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BREAKING NEWS ""**If we want PSU bank to compete with Pvt bank ---Give them a break Saturday first****Outcome of Today’s meeting with IBA - 31.01.2023*********

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Agitation against Merger is very important and it has been taken up consistently by AIBEA, unlike AIBOC which has been opportunistic on this issue.
In fact, this is not an issue that can be negotiated and settled between IBA and the Unions.
It is a government policy matter, which has to be fought on a different plane and has to be carried forward even after the wage revision talks are over. Whatsoever, this issue cannot be settled with IBA.
Then, the question is, where is your focus? Is it on wage revision and related matters or on merger, on which IBA cannot do anything?
Isn't it clear that AIBOC is using the merger issue to achieve their demands? By doing that, aren't they diluting the importance of the merger issue?
By doing that, won't they lose the bargaining on wage revision too?
By mixing the merger issue with wage revision, we will only lose the bargaining capacity. On the contrary, it will only vitiate the wage revision talks and will only affect the interests of the serving employees as well as retirees.
On merger issue, there is a need for sustained struggle.
It has got a potential for affecting the Bipartite talks also in the future. Hence, the Unions shall join together to oppose mergers and be part of the movement against the government policies, irrespective of which government is at the centre.
It is to be remembered that AIBOC has backtracked without joining in the general strikes etc. on many occasions.
Short-sighted policies will only do damage rather than bringing about any positive results.
By the present move to go separately for an agitation, the officer unions have only strengthened the hands of IBA.
It can very well be expected that IBA will take advantage of the situation. They may even resort to holding talks with officer unions without conceding anything, because they know very well that holding talks separately with officer unions will weaken the UFBU movement.
Suffice it to say,
AIBOC has committed a sin by playing the role to mix the merger issue with wage revision demands and to go for a separate agitation.
Com. Mathew George

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U stupid ppl keep on fighting as if your association is the only one fighting for the welfare of bankers. U r worst than politicians

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