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Changes in leave rules for bank employees and Bank officers were updated in terms of the 12th BPS/9th Joint Note dated 08.03.2024

This post provides details of the eligibility of an employee or the officer for availing of casual leave, unavailed casual leave, special casual leave privilege leave, sick leave, additional sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, Bereavement leave, Special Leave, special leave for participating in sports events/trekking programs, the person who undergo sterilization operation for promoting small family norms, and extraordinary leave, and Sabbatical Leave (Govt.) Scheme for women etc.

Updated as per 12th BPS/9th Joint Note dated 08.03.2024

[This article elucidates a complete guide on Casual leave, Unavailed Casual leave, Special Casual leave rule and half days CL, and bereavement leave]

The officers and award staff of the bank including permanent part-time employees are eligible for 12 days of casual leave in a year with the entitlement of full pay and all allowance as if he/she was on duty. An officer or full-time/part-time employee of the bank can take a maximum of 4 days of casual leave at a time. The holidays and weekly offs Prefixing/suffixing or intervening holidays within the period of Casual Leave will not be treated as part of casual leave. (The earlier restriction for award staff employees of Maximum absence of 6 days including prefixing/suffixing holidays is now removed under 10th BPS). However, holidays except Saturdays and Sundays shall not be Prefixed or suffixed to casual leave without the prior permission of the officer granting such leave. The officers are required to get permission from higher authority if they are not available in the station on prefixing or suffixing holidays within the period of Casual Leave. Casual leave cannot be combined with other leaves like PL/SL/UCL or any other kind of leave.

A total of 2 days casual leave may be availed for half a day on 4 occasions in a year out of which 2 occasions would be in the morning and 2 occasions would be in the morning and 2 occasions in the afternoon.


 a. casual leave under this category can be availed after applying 24 hours in advance.

b. While carrying over the balance in the Casual Leave to Unavailed Casual Leave account, the fraction in the balance if any shall be ignored.

Conditions for granting CL:

The casual leave will be credited to members’ leave accounts at the beginning of a financial year. However, in the first year of service, the member earns casual leave on a pro-rata basis at the rate of one day for each completed or part of a calendar month. The leave of any kind cannot be taken as a matter of right. It may be refused by the officer granting such leave to a staff member when such leave causes inconvenience to the public or administration, and the work of the employee cannot be distributed and performed by the remaining staff or cannot be held up without inconvenience till his/her return to duty. The member who wants to go on leave shall obtain prior written or oral permission from the Branch Manager or higher authority wherever applicable. If for any genuine reason prior permission is not possible to be obtained, the employee shall at least communicate through telephone or any other quickest mode of communication to the higher authority. In any case, the leave application has to be submitted on the day the employee resumes the duty. In the case an employee overstays his/her casual leave for genuine reasons then the entire period of his/her absence can be debited to his PL account or Sick Leave if his/her absence is due to sickness supported by a Medical Certificate.

The leave of any kind cannot be taken as a matter of right. Management can refuse the leave or member may be called back to report for duty if the exigencies of service so required. If the absence is for frivolous reasons, then the Management can treat the entire period of absence including CL granted as absence without Pay.

Special Casual Leave:

Employees who donate blood to a recognized blood bank or bank-sponsored blood donation drive are eligible for special casual leave for one day on the day of blood donation, subject to the production of satisfactory documentary proof.

Un-availed Casual Leave (UCL) rules for Award staff and Bank officers

Casual leave not availed in a calendar year is convertible into unavailed casual leave (UCL) with full substantive pay except during the first year. However, UCL can be availed only on the grounds of sickness. The un-availed casual leave may be accumulated by the clerical and sub-staff for any number of years without any limit which they can utilize on medical grounds at any future time. However, CL was not availed of in the year or subsequent year lapses in the following 5 years. On and from 1.11.2020 although the availment of UCL by the officers in the following years shall continue to be permitted only on medical grounds, production of the medical certificate need not, henceforth be insisted upon in case the period of such UCL at a stretch not exceeding four days. Unavailed casual leave can also be availed in combination with any other leave except CL.

Bereavement Leave: Employees shall be granted bereavement leave on the demise of family members (Spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law) and the number of days of such leave shall be decided by each bank at their level. The intervening holidays will form part of the leave and bereavement leave should be availed within a maximum period of 15 days of the demise. This leave will not be considered as an “active Service” for Privilege leave calculation.

The officers and employees of the bank including permanent part-time employees are eligible for Privilege leave at the rate of one day for every 11 days of active service with the entitlement of full pay and all allowance as if he/she were on duty rules in Banks. While calculating credit of PL based on active service, all kinds of leave availed except CL shall be excluded.

Conditions for availing PL:

For calculating the privilege leave all types of leave availed (except the casual leave, and mandatory leave) will be included.

The notice period for availing Privilege leave (other than LFC) will be 10 days (previously 15 days). From the calendar year, 2020 besides encashment of PL at the time of retirement and during availing of LFC, encashment of PL would be permitted for 5 days every calendar year (7 days in case of employees/officers of 55 years and above).

Generally, 4 occasions in a calendar year, though one occasion may comprise even a single day (known as PL under domestic grounds) a staff member avails PL. The privilege leaves on more than 4 occasions in a year may be granted by the sanctioning authority if the reasons for the request by an employee are adequate and genuine and such leave does not cause administratively inconvenient. PL can be availed for a maximum period of 30 days at a time. An officer is eligible to avail of PL only after completion of 11 months of service.PL should be applied before 15 days of the proposed date of commencement of leave. PL on medical grounds can be granted for more than 4 days at the time of the production of a Medical Certificate which will not be counted in the above 4 occasions.

Principal Office bearers of all India workmen union/officers’ Union/association shall be granted special leave up to 25 days in a calendar year.

10 days advance notice for privilege leave is waived off for office bearers and executive committee members of a registered trade union.

Officers who are defence Representatives in departmental enquiry proceedings may be granted one-day special leave to prepare the defence submissions of an officer. Such special leave shall be granted for a maximum of ten occasions in a calendar year. The restriction about the number of times of availing PL mentioned above does not apply to members of the Executive Committee of a Registered Trade Union. A member of the Executive Committee can avail PL any number of times for organizational work. (of course, within his eligible leave). PL can be accumulated up to 270 days and on retirement, the encashment is restricted only to 240 days. In determining the number of such occasions, the following will be excluded;

i. Grant of PL on the grounds of sickness subject to such leave being availed for more than 4 days at a time on the production of MC in the case of Award Staff/Permanent part-time employees.

ii. In the case of Officers PL under Medical grounds can be availed even for 1 day.

iii. The members of the Executive Committee of the Registered Trade Unions of Bank Employees’ Unions/Officers’ Associations are entitled to avail PL on more than 4 occasions in a year for organizational work if they have to leave to their credit.

iv. Availment of PL/LFC will be treated as domestic only. Sundays and holidays are permitted to be prefixed or suffixed to PL but intervening Sundays or holidays are included in the leave.

Encashment of privilege leave:

a) An employee at his/her option shall be permitted to encash one day PL for donation to Prime Ministers relief funds subject to his giving a letter to the bank to that effect and authorising the bank to remit the amount to the Fund. The leave so encashed is not to be deducted from the period of service for the calculation of PL.

b) All staff members are entitled to encash PL for a maximum of 30 days while availing LFC in a block of 4 years.

c) All staff members are entitled to encash the accumulated PL to his/her credit at the time of retirement subject to a maximum of 255 days

d) Staff members who resign are entitled to PL encashment of 50% of the PL balance subject to a maximum of 120 days.

e) If an employee dies in service, his/her heirs will be paid a salary for the leave accrued to him/her at the time of death subject to a maximum of 255 days.

Privilege Leave availed on sick grounds when there is no sick leave at credit, will not be counted as an occasion of availing PL.

Employees (including permanent part-time employees) or Officers of the bank on maternity leave shall be entitled to full emoluments. Every female employee is eligible for Maternity leave on full substantive pay, not exceeding 6 months on any one occasion subject to a maximum of 12 months during the entire period of service. Maternity leave is available even in the first year of service including during her period of probation. However, the period of probation shall be extended to that extent. Maternity leave can be availed for a pre-natal and post-natal period or at the time of miscarriage or abortion on the production of a medical certificate. Maternity leave on account of miscarriage or abortion shall not exceed 6 weeks at a time. Competent Authority can grant leave of any other kind admissible with or in continuation of maternity leave provided the request is supported by sufficient medical Certificate. Maternity leave is calculated on a month-to-month basis.

Maternity Leave:

ML is granted to a female employee on substantive pay generally for 6 months on any occasion and 12 months during the entire period of her service. Maternity leave can be availed in addition/ combination of other kinds of leave.

In case of delivery of more than 2 children in one single delivery, maternity leave shall be granted upto 12 months. Maternity leave for delivery of twin children is 8 months

Maternity leave shall be granted once to a female employee for a maximum period of 9 months, for legally adopting a child who is below one year of age, all other conditions remaining the same.

Maternity leave may be granted for In vitro fertility (IVF) treatment subject to the production of a medical certificate, within the overall limit of 12 months.

Special maternity leave up to 60 days shall be granted in case of still born or death of the infant within 28 days of birth.

  • Two months’ leave with salary will be granted as additional maternity leave for a Hysterectomy operation where the ML limit is exhausted
  • Within the 12-month limit of ML 6 weeks, leave will be granted for MTP/Miscarriage/abortion and if required up to 6 months.
  • Maternity leave for the legal adaption of a child is 9 months
  • Maternity leave for delivery of twin children is 8 months
  • Within 12 months of the limit, 30 days’ leave will be granted for hospitalization of a specified ailment subject to a production certificate from the hospital
  • *Leave for legally adopting a child:

Leave may also be granted once during service to a childless female employee for

legally adopting a child who is below one year of age, for a maximum period of Nine ( earlier six months)   subject to the following terms and conditions:-

i) Leave will be granted for adoption of only one child.

ii) The adoption of a child should be through a proper legal process and the employee should produce the adoption-deed to the Bank for sanctioning such leave.

iii) Permanent Part-time Employees are also eligible for the grant of leave for adoption of a child.

iv) The Leave shall also be available to the biological mother in cases where the child is born through surrogacy.

v) The leave shall be availed within the overall entitlement of 12 months during the entire period of service

Paternity Leave for wife’s confinement:With effect from the 1st June 2015, male employees with less than two surviving children shall be eligible for 15 days. This leave may be combined with any other kind of leave except Casual Leave. The leave may be availed up to 15 days before or up to 6 months from the date of delivery of the child. Paternity leave is allowed for legally adopting a child.

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*CLC Meeting adjourned, Next meeting on 21.03.25 at 11:30 AM.*

*Message from UFBU* Today there was a conciliation meeting at CLC office. IBA, DFS, and bank managements were present . All our issues discu...

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