Deputy CLC Issues Show Cause Notice to CEO Bank
(Registered under Trade Union Act, 1926 : Registration No.G-6201)
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
through All India Union Bank Retirees' Federation)
403, Sadhana Down Town, Near Punjab National Bank,
Jubilee Chowk, Rajkot - 360 001 (Gujarat). Phone: 0-94272-07021
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
through All India Union Bank Retirees' Federation)
403, Sadhana Down Town, Near Punjab National Bank,
Jubilee Chowk, Rajkot - 360 001 (Gujarat). Phone: 0-94272-07021
E-mail < > < >
Date: 6th February,'18
All the regular recipients of our Association's e-mails,
Show Cause Notice issued by the Deputy Chief Labor
Commissioner (Central), Kolkata to the MD & CEO of
Union Bank of India for non payment of Overtime to employees
The attachment is sent just to apprise you about the militancy being shown by our Bank's Award Staff Union functioning in West Bengal and the support extended to them by the Labor Commissioner-ate of that State.
The Deputy Chief Labor Commissioner (Central) has issued a Notice to the MD & CEO of Union Bank of India proposing punishment of imprisonment up to 6 months for non payment of legitimate over time to the workmen.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
Show Cause...
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Office of the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)
20d M.S.O, Building. 5th Floor Nizam Palace
234/4 A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020
No. 7121 / 2018-E-3 Date:r February, 2018
Shri Rajkiran Rai G.
Managing Director & CEQ
Union Bank of India, Union Bank Bhawan,
239, Vidhan Bhawan Nariman Point,
Mumbai-400 021
Sub: Show Cause Notice under Section 29 of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 for breach of Settlement in the matter of Industrial Dispute raised by All India Union Bank Employees Federation against the management of Union Bank of India on the issue of non—payment of over time allowance in terms of Bipartite
I refer to this office letter of even no. dated 0501.2018 in which your attention was drawn to the fact that despite your office letter HR/HRAD/ 6426/2017 dated 30.112017 no decision in regard to payment of overtime allowance in compliance with the Settlement was conveyed to this office till 05+01.2018, Even as on date there is no information Of implementing the settlement from your end* In such a situation, I am of the opinion that in terms of Section 29 of the Industrial Disputes Act} 1947 you are liable for prosecution. However, before sendingthe proposal for prosecution, I would like to put you on notice for showing cause within 7 days hereof as to why you will not be liable to penalties provided by Section 29. In the event of no reply from your end within the stipulated date the prosecution proposal will be sent accordingly.
For your information Section 29 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 states:
"Any person who commits a breach of any term of any settlement or award, which is binding on him under this Act, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine$ or with both and where the breach is a continuing one, with a further fine which may extend to two hundred rupees for every day during which the breach continues after the conviction for the first I and the Court trying the offence, if it fines the offender, may direct that the whole or any part of the fine realised from him shall be paid, by way of compensation, to any person whoj in its opinion has been injured by such breach!
Yours faithfully,
( Dipali Chow hury ) Asstt. Labour Commissioner ( Central)
opy to the General Secretary, All India Union Bank Employees Federation, Union Bank of India, 15 India Exchange Placei Kolkata—70 001.
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