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Sunday, February 18, 2018


Important Banking Awareness Questions ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน
๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ #Banking Abbreviations Part โ€“ V
1). In EFT, โ€œTโ€ stands for- Transfer
2). In FEMA, โ€œEโ€ stands for โ€“ Exchange
3). In ICRA, โ€œRโ€ stands for โ€“ Rating
4). In IFCI, โ€œFโ€ stands for โ€“ Finance
5). In MIGA, โ€œGโ€ stands for โ€“ Guarantee
6). In FERA, โ€œRโ€ stands for โ€“ Regulatory
7). In NASDAQ, โ€œSโ€ stands for โ€“ Securities
8). In NECS, โ€œCโ€ stands for โ€“ Clearing
9). In SWOT, โ€œOโ€ stands for โ€“ Opportunities
10). NHM stands for โ€“ National Health Mission
11). NSDC stands for โ€“ National Skill Development Corporation
12). NHAI stands for โ€“ National Highways Authority of India
13). NPS stands for โ€“ National Pension System
14). FTA stands for โ€“ Free Trade Agreement
๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Reserve Bank of India Sections โ€“ Part I
15). Section 3 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Establishment and incorporation of Reserve Bank
16). Section 4 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Capital of the Bank. The capital of the Bank shall be five crores of rupees.
17). Section 6 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Establishment of Offices, branches and agencies
18). Section 8 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ The composition of central board of Reserve Bank of India
19). Section 17 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ The business that RBI can carry out
20). Section 20 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Obligation of the Bank to transact Government business
21). Section 21 of Reserve Bank of India definesโ€“  Bank to have the right to transact Government business in India
22). Section 21 (A) of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Bank to transact Government business of States on agreement
23). Section 22 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Right to issue bank notes
24). Section 24 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Denominations of notes
25). Section 26 (1) of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Defines legal tender of notes
26). Section 26 (2) of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Withdrawal of legal tender of notes
27). Section 27 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ The Bank shall not re-issue bank notes which are torn, defaced or excessively soiled.

28). Section 42 of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Cash reserves of scheduled banks to be kept with the Bank.
29). Section 45 (U) of Reserve Bank of India defines โ€“ Defines repo, reverse repo, derivative, money market instruments and securities.

๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Banking Committeeโ€“ Part I
30). _____Committee related to Non-Banking Financial Company โ€“ A C Shah Committee
31). _Committee related toFrauds& Malpractices in Banks โ€“ A Ghosh Committee
32). ___Committee related toInstitutional Credit for Agricultural& Rural Development โ€“ B Sivaraman Committee
33). _____Committee related toStock Lending Scheme โ€“ BD Shah Committee
34). ____Committee related toMulti Agency Approach in Agricultural Finance โ€“ CE Kamath Committee
35). ____Committee related toMutual Funds (Functioning) โ€“ Dave Committee
36). ____Committee related toRural Finance โ€“ Godwala Committee
37). ____Committee related toReforms in Insurance Sector โ€“ J Reddy Committee
38). ____Committee related toSecurities Transactions of Banks& Financial Institutions โ€“ Jankiramanan Committee
39). ____Committee related toEducation Loan Scheme โ€“ Kamath Committee
40). ___Committee related toNon Performing Assets โ€“ Khanna Committee
41). ___Committee related to Financial Derivatives โ€“ LC Gupta Committee
42). ____Committee related toAgricultural Creditโ€“ Khusrau Committee
43). ___Committee related toSingle Window System โ€“ Mahadevan Committee
44). ____Committee related toComputerization of Banking Industry โ€“ Rangrajan Committee
๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Banking Terminology โ€“ Part I
45).  _____is the distribution of insurance products and the insurance policies of insurance companies by banks as corporate agents through their branches โ€“ Bancassurance

46). When an account has insufficient funds the cheque is not payable and is returned by the bank with a reason โ€œExceeds arrangementโ€ or โ€œfunds insufficientโ€ is called โ€“ Bouncing of a cheque
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