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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Is the gov moving towards privatisation of psbs ? if yes please stop

Is the gov moving towards privatisation of psbs ? As we can see all the newspaper are filled with articles supporting privatisation and blaming only the bankers for all the fraud .Everytime when fraud detected very lower level two or three employee was arrest to hide the originl fact..FICCI,ASSOCHAM and all the corporate body has already started lobying and crating impression in the public that privatisation will be boon for country. All are protected Narendra Modi  from such type of lootera work.FRDI bill is a clear indication that gov is slowing working towards it's motive .Reducing workforce in psbs, decreasing recruitments and defaming psbs is a clear indication.BJP Government work only for corporate one nothing for root level indian.They want to give all the banking system in the hands of corporate so that they can easily manipulate the financial system according to their benefit.By giving license to payment bank ,IPPB, and other smaller banks they want to reduce the dependence of economy and psbs so that effect will be minimum.All are taking loan and out from india  what policy taken by Narendra modiji please expalin.
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PNB got 3 awards for best vigilance practices in last 3 yrs. Will CVO/CVC take any responsibility?

what is the utility of CVO/CVC??? why not they are punished?  why not RBI official punished for negligency of duty.

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