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BREAKING NEWS ""**If we want PSU bank to compete with Pvt bank ---Give them a break Saturday first****Outcome of Today’s meeting with IBA - 31.01.2023*********

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bank Unions are toothless and can only bark and not take action

Why IBA dared to make mockery of Bankers?
IBA has realised that Union Leaders and Bank Unions are toothless and can only bark and not take action. They can at best go for one or two days strike, which can result in loss to customers but will save hundreds of crores of rupees to banks in the shape of deductions in salaries.
Union leaders have sold their soul and are ready to bend backward to any extent to keep their bosses happy so that they allow their fiefdom to continue. They issue circulars after month / two months just to keep their cadre engaged.
Clubbing of issues like Stopping of Banking Reforms alongwith Wage Revision has sent a message to IBA and GoI that unions are least bothered for wage revision and more interested in stopping bank reforms to save their respective territories.
GoI feels that paying reasonable salaries to bankers will lead them empowered to raise their voices on other matters like corruption, NPA etc. and thus pay them low so that poor talent is attracted to banks and they can enjoy the fruits of public money. This is on similar premises wherein politicians love to keep large population below poverty line so that they keep on struggling for day to day requirements and find no time to raise voice against the corrupt political class.
The future does not seem to be rosy for bankers, as in the given circumstances, it is unlikely that bankers can expect increase of over 12% or so inspite of strikes for few days. There is a need for drastic steps (even beyond indefinite strike) - may be throwing of the old unions.
waiting for INDEFINITE STRIKE only
The Genuine demands of  Bank Employees are denied while 1000s of crore of Rs of BAD LOANS of CORPORATES were WRITTEN OFF

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*CLC Meeting adjourned, Next meeting on 21.03.25 at 11:30 AM.*

*Message from UFBU* Today there was a conciliation meeting at CLC office. IBA, DFS, and bank managements were present . All our issues discu...

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