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BREAKING NEWS ""**If we want PSU bank to compete with Pvt bank ---Give them a break Saturday first****Outcome of Today’s meeting with IBA - 31.01.2023*********

Saturday, May 5, 2018

11th Bipartite negotiation on 5th May-Latest update


The approach of the IBA in the1 1th Bipartite negotiation on 5th May had very seriously damaged the pride of bank employees. Such approach of IBA is arising out of goverement's direction and it's attitude towards bank employees. The IBA's shameless offer of 2% increase in Payslip components is nothing but adding salt to the wounds. The goverement that was issuing direction after direction through its DFS finance ministry to Banks to conclude the Bipartite settlement before it's expiry is now silent over the IBA's ridiculing offer. This would not have been possible from IBA without the blessings of the government. So for the Bank employees who worked for the nation by implementing the demontisation excercise, covered so many people under Goverement's Bhima schemes, opened accounts to make Jan dhan Yojana successful gave mudra loans to promote self-employment scheme of the government, worked and collected taxes on Sundays and holidays and issued Aadhaar card and ceeding the same this treatment of IBA and government is nothing but an insult to the Bankmen of the country. The time has come to teach all those including the goverement to show and get what we rightfully deserve. So prepare and March on to 2 days strike of UFBU in the month end. Hold meeting at all levels and explain the situation to the employees to prepare for massive strike action. Let us show those as to what we are made of. Our determination, courage, conviction and unity will make our struggle more successful. Move on to revolutionary strike and make it a thundering one.

SATURDAY, 5 th May, 2018

Today at IBA office at Churchgate talks regarding XI th Bipartite Settlement were held between IBA Negotiation Team and BKSM.

On behalf of IBA following Officials were present :
1. Mr. R. K.Thakkar, IBA Chairman & Chairman UCO Bank.
2. Mr. Jayakumar, Chairman BOB
3. Mr. Rajkiran Rai, Chairman Union Bank
4. Mr. Kannan, CEO of IBA.
and other executives.

Details of discussion :
1. About 'Medical Insurance Scheme', various options were discussed at length. Discussion remained inconclusive. It was decided to have separate meeting on this issue.
2. Discussion on Variable Pay remained inconclusive. We opposed the notion of Variable Pay.
3. IBA made it clear that talks will be held for upto Officer Scale III. Because of fractured mandate received from Banks.
4. Initial Offer for Salary Revision :
IBA said,"Due to deteriorating financial condition of Banks revealed by recent quarterly results and also disappointing results are expected for forthcoming quarters." IBA made initial offer of 2 % hike in Pay Slip.
UFBU protested and refused the paltry offer. IBA asked about our expectations. We told them to go by 'Charter of Demands' , which states our expectations. We asked IBA to stop wasting time by making such offer which is mockery.

There was no conclusion on any issue.

Let us hope for better during next round.

Thanking you,

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