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BREAKING NEWS ""**If we want PSU bank to compete with Pvt bank ---Give them a break Saturday first****Outcome of Today’s meeting with IBA - 31.01.2023*********

Saturday, January 6, 2018



We invite your attention towards the proceedings of the last Executive Committee Meeting held at Bangalore, wherein, we had detailed discussions on the draft of ‘Charter of Demands’ and suggestions of the members were noted for incorporation. We also invite your attention towards our earlier Circulars No. 2016/71 dated 08/12/2016 and 2016/73 dated 26/12/2016 on the follow-up actions of AIBOC in pursuit of the early Bipartite Settlement. AIBOC, is working in full swing and is ready for the Bipartite Meeting and the ‘Charter of Demands’ is ready for submission to IBA anytime this month, despite the fact that majority of Member Banks have yet to give Mandate to IBA, despite three reminders by the Government, last being on 21st December, 2016. A lot of rumours were being spread in the immediate past about the non- preparedness with the ‘Charter of Demands’. With a view to allay these fears we had communicated through our Circular No. 2016/73. Perturbed by the speed with which AIBOC is moving on the issue, a few vested interests have now started propagating about bank level settlements and discussions only upto Scale III. Rumour mills are also busy reportedly on small committees formed in a few banks for formulating the salary structures in individual banks. AIBOC strongly stands for an industry level settlement on wage revision as hitherto. It has always been and will be the consistent stand of AIBOC to negotiate salary revision for all officers from Scale I to Scale VII. It is appropriate here to add that in a couple of PSBs, moves for wage revision process at unit level (bank level) was thwarted by the leadership of our Affiliates through discussions and letters. Comrades, Managements have always been trying to divide the officers (as also employees) by dangling ‘carrots of bank level settlements’. The ‘stick’ holding the ‘carrots’ stand camouflaged. They will always try to allure the leadership at unit level of “giving better than the rest” sops in pursuit of this. But this will be very dangerous for the following reasons: a. Productivity Linked Salary/variable pay has all through been tried to be implemented by Government and IBA. Their intentions were very clear last time also when a proposal to permit variable pay for Scale IV and above at least was insisted during last settlement also and was outrightly rejected by us. b. Basically, bank level discussions will stand on the nemesis of unity of the officers at the industry level which we shall not allow to happen under any circumstances. The IBA/Govt./Bank Managements intend to break the solidarity and divide the officers as unity comes in the way of their unbridled and unchecked administrative desires. c. Once the settlement takes place at the individual bank levels, the bargaining power of unions and the force to secure more through collective action will be weakened. d. At the unit level, the individual Managements will start talking about paying capacity, reduction of profit or absence of profit, performance and the like to reduce or deny revisions. e. More importantly, the smaller and weaker banks will be deprived of all benefits in the name of commercial viability and capacity to bear the burden which is an artificial/temporary barrier deliberately created. f. All Affiliates are also not equipped with the knowledge and skills to decide on the salary structure, its impact on superannuation benefits and other technicalities. g. In the dynamic economic and market scenario, today’s strong bank may not remain strong for all the years to come. Hence the lure of better offer is not a guarantee for future years. With these things in mind and to send a strong message to IBA as also the Managements of individual banks, it is decided to submit a letter by all Affiliates to their respective Managements on the lines of the draft enclosed herewith. You are requested to carry-out the following: a. Take 4 copies of the enclosed format. The same shall be signed by both the President and the General Secretary of the Affiliate. b. One signed copy shall be submitted by the Affiliate to the Chairman and Managing Director or one each to Chairman and the Managing Director & CEO as applicable before 5th of this month. c. Two signed copies shall be forwarded to AIBOC Central Office at New Delhi by speed post soon after submission to the respective Bank Management. (A scanned copy shall be mailed separately to AIBOC email ID). Central Office will forward one copy received from each Affiliate to IBA before 10th of this month with a covering letter to the effect. Friends, there is an immediate need to remove all sorts of confusions being spread among the membership. These rumours are potent to weaken our resolve, unity and commitment for a satisfactory wage revision. A right message shall also go to the IBA that all the officers in the industry are united in their endeavour to achieve a satisfactory wage revision in November, 2017. Let us remain committed to retain our unity intact ! Kindly do the needful on top priority. Comradely Yours, (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY

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*CLC Meeting adjourned, Next meeting on 21.03.25 at 11:30 AM.*

*Message from UFBU* Today there was a conciliation meeting at CLC office. IBA, DFS, and bank managements were present . All our issues discu...

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