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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Empowered committee may recommend 15% more hike in 7th CPC salary

As per a popular and reliable website "The Sen Times ", Group of secretaries may recommend 15% more hike over and above the 7th CPC report.
"The Sen Times has learned an average increase of 15 percent pay of central government employees more than Pay commission recommendations, is likely to be suggested by the group of secretaries, who is examining the 7th Pay Commission report."
"The group of secretaries is likely to increase the minimum entry level salary of a government employee to the range of Rs 20,000 to 20,500 against Rs 18,000 recommended by the Commissionheaded by Justice A k Mathur who submitted the report in November this year.

Consequently, it would push up employees’ 15 percent basic payhike at the all levels beyond the Seventh Pay Commission report."

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