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BREAKING NEWS ""**If we want PSU bank to compete with Pvt bank ---Give them a break Saturday first****Outcome of Today’s meeting with IBA - 31.01.2023*********

Thursday, January 14, 2016

11th BPS or CPC or Separate banking pay commission what you want?????

After circular communication issued by Department of Financial Services addressed to CEO of Public Sector Banks, lots of speculations are being made and matter of 11th BPS is being debated. Taking lead in the matter, red flag union has conducted meeting and has finalised panel of its office bearers to prepare chartered of demand. We expect that similar course of action will be taken by other unions and associations very soon.
Under these circumstances, Bank Employees have to play a decisive role. They have to decide whether they are satisfied with present set up of BPS or they want to bring changes either through inclusion in CPC or separate Banking Pay Commission?
The red flag union knows very well that majority of Bank Employees are not satisfied with present set up. It has experienced biggest resentment during 10th BPS and had a hard time controlling the anguish of its employees. They are master in playing clever games. Through their clever tactics, they succeeded in diverting the attention of bank employees and checked the pace of agitation which started building around September 2014.
I see setting up of the panel to prepare charter of demand as one of the most clever game. Since now most of the employees are new in banking industry, they are not aware of the system. I foresee that in the name of preparation of charter of demand, they will try to divert attention of bank employees from the basic demand of equality and parity. We already see that suggestions and proposals for 11th BPS are being moved by bank employees. I have been seeing this game since long. As per this game, bank employees are befooled to suggest changes for being incorporated in charter of demand. This way they get engaged. Then Unions conduct meetings to finalise their Charter of Demands. What I have seen, at such meetings, whatever you suggest is included and you feel satisfied. Thereafter, powerful group of persons known as UFBU sits across to finalise common charter of demand. They put their entire brilliance in drafting Common Charter of Demand and circulate it to generate interest of bank employees.
Actual game starts behind the scene. Those involved in trading in the name of union having understanding with IBA plan a meeting. From here same old percentage game gets started, Charter of Demands adopted by Unions in their meeting becomes meaningless. Ball is now completely in the court of group of 10-12 persons to decide every thing. Others just become helpless to follow. Drama of STRIKE AND AGITATION is staged in which Chamchas play important role at the dictates of their bosses.
So its for Bank Employees to decide whether they want to decide their destiny through this old game or they want to decide their destiny on their own through open, transparent and democratic process? If they choose later, they must refrain paying attention to present system and these clever games, they must not discuss what these culprits are doing. Instead they must concentrate on their own movement of securing lost dignity by ensuring at least equality and parity.
Its high time to gear up the agitation of We Bankers.


Kamlesh Chaturvedi 


Unknown said...

Yes bank employees' to decide their destiny by open discussion.

Unknown said...

Yes bank employees' to decide their destiny by open discussion.

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