According to the police, Lavanya returned to her apartment in Harithavanam Colony on Thursday afternoon after leaving work early. Shortly after, she went to the terrace of her building, where she allegedly attempted suicide. Neighbors who witnessed the incident rushed her to a nearby hospital, but despite their efforts, she was declared dead on arrival.
Lavanya, a native of Pithapuram in Andhra Pradesh, had been married to IT professional Bathula Veeramohan for five years. The couple resided at M.N. Residency in KCR Colony, Bachupally, and had been planning to visit their hometown for the upcoming Sankranti festival.
Her family members and relatives revealed that Lavanya had expressed concerns about her growing work pressure at the bank. Her uncle, ARSV Prasad, filed a complaint with the police, stating that she had frequently spoken about her inability to cope with workplace stress.
Inspector J. Upender of the Bachupally police station confirmed that a case has been registered, and an investigation is underway to ascertain the exact circumstances leading to her death. Statements are being recorded from her family, colleagues, and friends. Lavanya’s body has been sent for a post-mortem examination.
This incident has once again highlighted the mental health challenges faced by employees in high-pressure environments. Authorities and organizations are being urged to take proactive steps to address work-related stress and provide support to employees. For anyone experiencing emotional distress, helplines and support networks are available to provide assistance.
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